Artystka interdyscyplinarna, pisarka, wykładowczyni Wydziału Reżyserii Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Filmowej, Telewizyjnej i Teatralnej w Łodzi. Absolwentka PWSFTviT oraz Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie. Laureatka Nagrody Literackiej Nike oraz Złotego Środka Poezji za książkę Nakarmić kamień (2016).
Port Literacki – the oldest Polish festival featuring ambitious literature – moves to a unique place, wins new partners and radically changes its formula. The new name – Station Literature 21 – emphasizes two festival venues: a ski station Czarna Góra Resort in Sienna and the former train station in Stronie Śląskie (now a pulsating cultural centre), where visitors from Czech Republic used to start their journey through Poland. The metaphor of “initiating a journey” nicely illustrates the theme of the festival, focusing this year on emerging writers, beginning their literary journeys, whereas the number 21 highlights the long history and attainment of the festival. Within these three September days we will have a chance to look at the issue of debuting from different aspects. We will get to know the most interesting New Voices from Europe and from Poland, listen to authors who have just published their second books, we’ll find out how it is to make a debut in a different literary role and wonder how debuting now differs from debuting in the past. Emerging writers, translators, critics and cultural managers will have the chance to upgrade their skills and literary agents, directors of festivals, publishers and other professionals will be invited to debate on several urging issues concerning the situation of young writers. Are you looking for new literary sensations? Do you fancy spending one weekend away from the city clamour? Join us on Facebook and book your ticket to Station Literature 21 right now!
Station Literature 21


Station Literature 21
